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RG2 Office of the President

 Record Group — Box: 1 - 82
Identifier: RG2

Scope and Content Note

The records of the Office of the President (28 cubic feet) contain subgroups for the founder and each president of Bank Street College. Each subgroup contains eight series. These series are: Official Correspondence and Reports; Committees; Personnel; Academics; Programs; Proposals; External Affairs; and Personal. The records of the Office of the President cover the time period from 1916 to 1999. Records created or acquired by the president during his/her tenure may be included in this record group even if the subject matter does not directly relate to the official duties as president of the College. Some records may also have been created before or after the person occupied the Office of the President.


  • Creation: 1916 - 1999


Historical Note

Lucy Sprague Mitchell was the founder and leader of the Bureau of Educational Experiments from 1916 to 1956. Following her tenure, there were five presidents of Bank Street College through the end of the 20th century. John H. Niemeyer was appointed first official president in 1956 and served in that position until 1973. He was followed by Francis J. Roberts from 1973 to 1979, Richard R. Ruopp from 1979 to 1988, Joseph Shenker from 1988 to 1995, Augusta Souza Kappner from 1995 to 2008, Elizabeth D. Dickey from 2008 to 2014, and Shael Polakow-Suransky 2014-present.


28 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



This record group of the institution was generated by the Office of the President beginning in 1916. In over eight decades of Bank Street College and predecessor, The Bureau of Educational Experiments, the leadership of the school generated official documentation in the form of correspondence, reports, committee and personnel records, and proposals. Personal memorandum and notes on studies are also included. The processed subgroups represent the tenures of four administrations of the institution.


This record group consists of four subgroups, each with eight series organized by format or subject matter.


  1. Official Correspondence and Reports
  2. Committees
  3. Personnel / Credentials
  4. Academics
  5. Programs
  6. Proposals
  7. External Affairs
  8. Personal


Guide to Record Group 2 – Office of the President
Kathryn Kearns and Lindsey Wyckoff, with Brett Dion
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 2021-2022: Updated and added to the ArchivesSpace archives management system by Brett Dion, Bank Street College Archivist.

Repository Details

Part of the Bank Street College Archives Repository

Bank Street College Library
610 West 112th Street
New York NY 10520