Box 19
Contains 65 Results:
"Helping Children Understand Their World" by Charlotte B. Winsor, November 14, 1975
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
Development and Use of BRACE in the Career Opportunities Program - COP Bulletin 6 Vol. III, 1975 - 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
Psychology Today article by Carol Tavris, 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
Follow Through: Decision-making in a Large-Scale Social Experiment Thesis by Richard Frazier Elmore, 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
The Focus is on the Children: The Bank Street Approach to Follow Through, 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
Chronology of Follow Through, 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
"The Discovery Room - Developing an Approach for Teachers to Help Children with Problems in Primary School" by Marjorie G. Janis and Joan Costello, March 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
Opinionnaire for Administrators and Directors, April 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
An Overview of the Literature on Innovation and Change in Relation to Establishing Settings by David Wickens, June 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.
"Language as a Factor in Intergroup Relations" by Wallace E. Lambert, July 1976
Includes research papers, newsletters, conference papers, articles and other publications by Follow Through staff members of Bank Street and other sponsors. Also included are earlier publications and resources collected by Bank Street Follow Through staff.